
Bash Continue: How to Resume a Loop?


In the world of scripting and automation, loops are a fundamental tool for executing repetitive tasks efficiently. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting to dabble in scripting, understanding how to manipulate loops can greatly enhance your productivity. In this guide, we’ll delve into the concept of a Bash loop and explore how the Bash continue statement can be utilized to control the flow of execution within these loops.

What is a Bash Loop?

What is a Bash Loop?

A Bash loop is a control structure that permits you to back-to-back implement a block of code until a certain condition is met. There are various types of loops in Bash, comprising for, while, until, and select, each with its distinct traits & usage cases. Loops provide a powerful mechanism for automating tasks and processing data concisely and efficiently.

Bash for loops is particularly helpful when you wish to iterate over a predefined set of values or elements. You can use them to perform tasks such as iterating over files in a directory, processing command-line arguments, or executing a series of commands for a specified number of times. With the bash for loop continue statement, you can control the flow of execution within the loop, skipping iterations as needed based on certain conditions.

On the other hand, loops are handy for executing a block of code as long as a specified condition evaluates to true. They are commonly used for tasks such as reading input from a file or a stream, monitoring system resources, or waiting for a certain event to occur. By incorporating the bash while continue statement into your while loop, you can skip iterations when necessary, thus optimizing the loop’s performance.

The until loop is the inverse of the while loop—it continues implementing the block of code until a particular condition evaluates to true. This type of loop is useful when you desire to repeat a task unless a specific condition becomes true, such as waiting for a service to become available or a file to be created. By using the continue in bash statement within a until loop, you can bypass certain iterations and focus on reaching the desired condition.

Lastly, the select loop provides a convenient way to present a menu of options to the user and execute a corresponding block of code based on their selection. This type of loop is commonly used in interactive shell scripts to offer users a choice of actions to perform. With the bash continue loop statement, you can skip over certain options in the menu and handle the remaining selections accordingly.

The Bash Continue Statement

The Bash Continue Statement

The bash continue statement serves as a control flow mechanism that permits you to skip the existing iteration of a loop and proceed to the next iteration. It is particularly useful when you encounter certain conditions within the loop that warrant skipping the remaining code for that iteration and moving on to the next iteration.

In essence, the bash continue keyword acts as a sort of “jump” within the loop, bypassing any code that picks it within the existing iteration and immediately starting the next iteration. This can be extremely handy in situations where you need to filter out certain elements or handle exceptional cases without disrupting the overall flow of the loop.

One common scenario where bash continue comes into play is when processing data within a loop and encountering invalid or unexpected inputs. Instead of halting the entire loop execution, you can simply use bash loop to continue to skip over the problematic input and continue processing the rest of the data.

Furthermore, bash continue can be integrated with conditional statements like if to create more complex logic within your loops. For example, you might use if continue bash to conditionally skip iterations based on specific criteria, allowing you to tailor the behavior of the loop to different scenarios.

Additionally, bash continue can be particularly useful in nested loops, where you may need to skip iterations in both the inner and outer loops simultaneously. By specifying the number of loops to continue (continue 2), you can effectively jump out of the current iteration level and resume execution at the next iteration of the outer loop.

The Bash Continue Examples

The Bash Continue Examples

Now let us see a few practical instances of how you are capable of benefiting from the bash continue statement within different types of loops.

Using Bash Continue with a for Loop

for i in {1..5}; do

if (( i == 3 )); then



    echo "Iteration: $i"

The Bash Continue Examples

In this example, the loop iterates from 1 to 5, but when i equals 3, the continue statement is triggered, skipping the remaining code within the loop for that iteration. This allows you to effectively filter out certain values or handle special cases within the loop without interrupting its overall execution flow.

Using Bash Continue with Nested Loop

for ((i=1; i<=3; i++)); do

for ((j=1; j<=3; j++)); do

        if (( i == 2 && j == 2 )); then

            continue 2


        echo "Nested Loop: $i-$j"


The Bash Continue Examples

In this example, the continue 2 statement skips the current iteration of both the inner and outer loops when i is 2 and j is 2. This allows you to efficiently handle exceptional cases within nested loops without having to manually track loop indices or use additional flags.

Using Bash Continue with a while Loop


while (( count < 5 )); do

    (( count++ ))

    if (( count == 3 )); then



    echo "Count: $count"


This example demonstrates how to use bash continue with a while loop to skip the iteration when count equals 3. The bash while continue statement allows you to control the flow of execution within the loop, ensuring that specific conditions are met before proceeding to the next iteration.

Using Bash Continue with a Until Loop


until (( num >= 5 )); do

    (( num++ ))

    if (( num % 2 == 0 )); then



    echo "Odd Number: $num"

The Bash Continue Examples

In this case, the loop continues until num is greater than or equal to 5, skipping even numbers using the continue statement. The bash loop continue mechanism allows you to efficiently handle specific conditions within the loop and control its flow of execution accordingly.

Using Bash Continue with a Select Loop

options=("Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3" "Quit")

select choice in "${options[@]}"; do

    case $choice in

        "Option 2")







            echo "Selected: $choice"



Using Bash Continue with a Select Loop

This example showcases how to use bash continue within a select loop to skip a specific option. The select loop is a powerful construct in Bash for presenting a menu of options to the user and executing corresponding actions based on their selection.

Also Read: 5 Bash Case Statement Examples


The bash continue statement is a resilient element for administering the flow of execution within loops in Bash. Whether you’re working with for, while, until, or select loops, understanding how and when to use bash continue can help you write more efficient and concise scripts. By skipping iterations based on specific conditions, you can streamline your code and focus on the tasks that matter most. So next time you find yourself writing a Bash script with loops, don’t forget about the Bash continue statement—it might just save you some valuable time and effort.

Arpit Saini

He is the Chief Technology Officer at Hostbillo Hosting Solution and also follows a passion to break complex tech topics into practical and easy-to-understand articles. He loves to write about Web Hosting, Software, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and much more.

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