Dedicated Server

How to Secure Your Dedicated Server?


Since globalization suffered from the Pandemic, the world has hit it back and started recovering. Meanwhile, it influences the users who have more customers and regular clients to go live with their business. This initiates a bigger pool of people to steal data from various sources through cyber attacks. This attack involves all possible kinds of attacks, including phishing attacks, malware attacks, DDoS attacks, and unauthorized data access. However, all customer data needs to be secured from such attacks. So, if you have your site hosted on a Dedicated Server, you can secure your site in some possible ways. This is because the hosting offers you great control over security measures and the entire server. So, you can take the best measures to secure your website.

In this guide, we draw your attention to the primary mechanism and in what specific ways you can secure your dedicated server. Let’s get started!

What is a Dedicated Server?

A Dedicated Server is a physical server that you can buy or rent to host your website. It is also known as the bare metal server used to meet the user’s requirements. The whole server is completely devoted to a single user along with the exclusive resources.  You don’t have to share your resources or allow users to utilize your webspace in the Dedicated Hosting. The usage of these servers is more than you think. This means you can use it to host large-scale sites, including Gaming, E-commerce sites, online portals, and much more. Also, you can store a large amount of high-quality data, employ dedicated resources, get more control over your server, and so on. 

Having the Best Dedicated Server Hosting is advantageous for your business in many ways. One that you can count on is the entire server access. This means you have complete administrative-level control in your hands to perform any essential functions and configurations on your server. You can configure your server, install custom-made, server-wide, third-party security software, edit, move, delete any file, or assign any task to a user.

Top 10 Ways to Secure Your Dedicated Server

Top 10 Ways to Secure Your Dedicated Server

Here are the top 10 ways we introduce to secure your best Dedicated Server Hosting and all the data associated with it. 

#1. Use Advance Level Security Measures

There is a wide range of third-party security software available in the web hosting market. From DDoS protection to advanced malware scans, you have an ample range of choices to select from. In Addition, Root access enables you to install the custom security software that you want to install. So, take exclusive benefit of that and ensure that you have all the standard level of security measures that your business needs. 

#2. Perform System Update Regularly

With servers and applications installed on your system being pushed your way to keep them updated.  While the multiple numbers of applications at a time might be frustrating, they often comprise the important updates and security patches that all your server needs.  So, updating the operating system and applications installed on it is one way to reduce security risk.  If you find multiple application updates, then do not forget to create your system in the automatic workflow. It updates all the software. Keeping your server up to date with the latest versions ensures a high level of Dedicated Server protection from cyber attacks.

#3. Ensure the Use of DDoS Protection

A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service Attack) is used to slow down your site or the whole server. In this type of attack, sudden user traffic is sent to your server via the web to make your server completely crash. When it comes to your site, eventually, users cannot access data and information from your website. Often, the intention behind the DDoS attacks is to bring your business into a significant financial loss beyond repair. So, it’s necessary to prevent your business from such hazardous attacks. However, the only way you have to protect your website from such attacks is to opt for the Dedicated Servers that come with DDoS protection. So, your data is integrated with the added layer or shield that detects such attacks and secures your site data. 

#4. Go with the Secure Networks

When moving your data to a Dedicated Server Hosting plan, ensure you use the highly secured connections to log into your server account.  The network is the weakest point that attackers can easily penetrate to steal or crash your server. That’s why an open or public network is not recommended because it is unsafe. If you connect with an open network to log in to your account, then your data might be at higher risk. Therefore, use only trusted networks.

#5. Create Unique Accounts for each user

Only system admins can have the entire Dedicated Server access. Everyone else apart from the admin has their independent hosting accounts with some exclusive privileges. Such as only admins have the right to configure and install software on your server. Other users can’t make changes on your server. In addition, the admin has an isolated hosting environment.

#6. Create a Strict Password Policy

A weak password can easily be guessed by hackers and make your Dedicated Server more vulnerable to brute-force attacks. Therefore, it is recommended to create a powerful password with a combination of numbers, symbols, and lower, Upper case letters. Avoid the use of a common password that is related to your daily activity. You should create a unique and strong password that is easy to access and understand. Further, don’t forget to change your passwords frequently or in a couple of days. This makes it almost impossible for hackers to guess your password. On the top of the security list, consider opting for two-factor authentication. So, you can quickly secure your Dedicated Server from third-party access. 

#7. Secure Your Database

You may also know that the Database stores all your valuable data and information related to your server and website. So, this must be a disadvantage because cyber criminals are aware of it and target the most sensitive and vulnerable databases. Therefore, to prevent your dedicated server database from such attacks, make sure it can resist SQL injections.  For additional database security, you can limit the user’s access to your databases. Also, delete the files, and folders, and uninstall the apps, not for use from your server. This activity is the most important because clever hackers find a way through such unused applications to exploit your server.

#8. Create Websites Data Backup

Doesn’t matter how many security measures you have opted for your site. But do not forget to create a backup of your website data. This is because you never know when your site crashes. You may likely lose all your sensitive information and essential data associated with your site. Apart from that, natural disasters and hardware can be the reasons for your data loss. So, while hosting your data on a Dedicated Server, keep working with the safe side and back up your data on multiple servers. So, in case of any mishaps, at least you can retrieve or restore it from any of the servers. 

#9. Uninstall Unnecessary Softwares

Unused files and software are like an open bucket from which you can easily pick things.  The applications that are not of your use installed on your server are more vulnerable to hackers. This is because you might hardly notice and update them. When you stop frequently using the apps, then you won’t receive any update notifications. At that time, hackers can easily exploit that software and access your dedicated server data. Therefore, the solution is as simple as not keeping unused files and software on your server. Once you are done with it, then make sure to uninstall it from your server. 

#10. Perform Malware Scans

Various kinds of viruses, worms, trojans, and spyware corrupt your system or steal your data. So, to secure your site from such kinds of malicious activities, you should use the malware scanners that come with the Dedicated Server. It provides you with regular malware scans that scan all your system data and isolate all the malicious software that will likely damage your data.  

Also Read: What is a Dedicated Server?

Key Takeaways

A Dedicated Server provides you with a great scope for higher flexibility, customization, a standard level of security, optimal performance, and efficient configurations. Dedicated Server Hosting ensures better customer satisfaction and experience if you have a bulky site with various viewers. It provides you with DDoS protection, SSD, high Redundancy, huge data backups, and data recovery strategies.  Also, bandwidth is not an issue with the Cheap Dedicated Server.  So, you can have a highly reliable hosting infrastructure, a secure network, and dedicated security measures. 

Arpit Saini

He is the Chief Technology Officer at Hostbillo Hosting Solution and also follows a passion to break complex tech topics into practical and easy-to-understand articles. He loves to write about Web Hosting, Software, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and much more.

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